Julie D. Bruno Psy.D.
Substance Abuse

Substance Abuse
Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? Don't let your next hit be your final breath.
It takes an average of 7 attempts to remain abstinent from drugs/alcohol before an individual is
able to be truly successful. The question I am most often asked by potential clients is: How long do
you think it will take me to stop abusing drug/alcohol? How long will I need some form of treatment
e.g. AA, NA, individual therapy, detox and/or inpatient treatment? My retort is always the same,
"How long have you been abusing drugs/alcohol? Whatever that number is, that's how long it will take
at minimum for your automatic thoughts to lessen significantly. The analogy I often give to my
clients is this: If I told you starting tomorrow you could never use your feet to walk, you could
only walk on your knees, how many times would you try to walk on your feet? How many automatic
thoughts would you have? What would your resistance be like?